Wednesday, September 21, 2011

21/09/2011 - First coat of floor polish done, decks tanked, Alex's downstairs deck and maybe murbu balustrade material delivered.

First coat of floor polish done (ground floor).
Nen go da duoc danh bong lop dau tien (tang duoi).

First coat of floor polish done.
Nen go da duoc danh bong lop dau tien.

Deck upper floor tanked.
Da trai lop lot cho nen ban cong san thuong.

Deck upper floor tanked.
Da trai lop lot cho nen ban cong san thuong.

First coat of floor polish done (upper floor).
Nen go da duoc danh bong lop dau tien (tang tren).

First coat of floor polish done (stairwell).
Nen go da duoc danh bong lop dau tien (cau thang).

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