Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/2011 - Second coat of paint, floor, caulking done, shower bath fittings, Alex's carport continues.

Caulking done.
Rap noi giua nen go & gach.

Living room door painted.
Da son cua phong an.

Vanity tile in bathroom ground floor fixed.
Da lat gach cho bon rua mat trong phong tam o tang duoi.

Shower bath fitting in bathroom ground floor installed.
Da lap dat voi nuoc trong phong tam o tang duoi.

Hallway ground floor.
Loi di o tang duoi.

Stairwell wall and ceiling painted.
Da son tuong & tran cau thang.

Stairwell ceiling and wall painted.
Da son tuong & tran cau thang.

Shower fittings in upper floor installed.
Da lap dat voi tam trong phong tam o tang tren.

Shower fittings in upper floor installed.
Da lap dat voi tam trong phong tam o tang tren.

Shower (west) wall of upper floor bathroom.
Gach op tuong (phia Tay) phong tam o tang tren.

Rap noi giua nen go va gach.

Study ceiling painted.
Da son tran phong lam viec.

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