Sunday, July 10, 2011

10/07/2011 - Bought more insulation and installed myself.

Addition insulation purchased in bedroom 1 ground floor.
Mua them tham cach nhiet trong phong ngu 1 tang duoi.

External wall of bedroom 1 ground floor.
Tuong ben ngoai phong ngu 1 tang duoi.

External wall for bedroom 1 additional insulation installed.
Cach nhiet cho tuong ben ngoai phong ngu 1.

Additional insulation installed for the wall between bedroom 1 & stairwell.
Lap dat them tham cach nhiet cho tuong ngan giua phong ngu 1 & cau thang.

Cau thang.

Additional insulation for external walls of lounge room.
Lap dat them tham cach nhiet cho tuong ben ngoai phong khach.

Inside lounge room.
Ben trong phong khach.

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